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Service Regulation Judo Mobile

1. Definitions

1.1. Service Provider - company DevFlow Daniel Górka with Tax Identification Number: PL7543365637 providing online services for organizers of judo sports competitions, also referred to as the "Service Provider".

1.2. Service Recipient - An individual or entity using services provided by the Service Provider, i.e., the organizer of judo sports competitions.

1.3. Competitions - Sports events related to the discipline of judo, during which the Service Provider delivers services.

1.4. Competition Results - Data containing information about the results of competitions, particularly athlete data, categories, and match outcomes.

1.5. Fees - Monetary amounts charged by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient for using the services, following the principles specified in Section 2 of the Regulation.

1.6. Abuse - Deliberate actions aimed at manipulating, removing, or modifying data to reduce service costs, as per Section 5 of the Regulation.

1.7. Documentation - Official documentation provided by the Service Provider, containing recommendations regarding the use of services, available at

1.8. Privacy Policy - Document specifying the principles of processing, storing, and sharing personal data, accessible on the website.

1.9. General Court - Polish general court locally competent for the Service Provider in dispute resolution, in accordance with Section 9.2 of the Regulation.

1.10. Regulation - This document defining the terms of providing online services for organizers of judo sports competitions by the Service Provider."

2. Fees for the Provision of Services

2.1. Fees for the provision of services depend on the number of participants who competed in the competitions.

2.2. The price for a single participant is agreed upon and presented to the Service Recipient before the approval of the Regulations.

2.3. All participants who competed in the competitions and have been added to the competition management system are considered paid participants.

2.4. In the case where a participant competes in more than one category, they are counted as a paid participant in each of these categories separately.

2.5. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the tariff after informing the Service Recipients about the planned modifications, with due notice period."

3. Obligations of the Service Provider

3.1. Liability for non-performance or improper performance of Fee-Paid Services:

3.1.1. The Service Provider undertakes to provide services with due diligence and in accordance with applicable industry standards.

3.1.2. In the event of non-performance or improper performance of Fee-Paid Services, the Service Provider agrees to take corrective actions within the timeframe agreed upon with the Service Recipient.

3.1.3. In situations where the rectification of improper performance is impossible, the Service Provider commits to refunding an appropriate portion of the fee or providing another adequate remedy, unless it arises from circumstances beyond their control.

3.2. Non-liability for problems caused by independent reasons:

3.2.1. The Service Provider is not liable for problems arising from force majeure, such as natural disasters, wars, attacks, terrorist acts, telecommunication network errors, hosting provider issues, hardware or software failures beyond the Service Provider's control.

3.2.2. In the event of problems caused by independent reasons, the Service Provider agrees to take actions aimed at restoring the service's functionality as quickly as possible.

3.2.3. The Service Recipient understands that some technical issues may require time for resolution, and the Service Provider will make every effort to minimize potential disruptions.

4. Obligations of the Service Recipient

4.1. Compliance with the regulations:

4.1.1. The Service Recipient undertakes to comply with the provisions of this Regulation and all rules specified in the documentation provided by the Service Provider.

4.1.2. The use of services must be in accordance with applicable legal regulations, etiquette, and principles of social coexistence.

4.2. Use of the service according to documentation guidelines:

4.2.1. The Service Recipient undertakes to use the service in accordance with the guidelines provided in the documentation by the Service Provider.

4.2.2. Failure to comply with the documentation guidelines may result in the loss of access to some or all functions of the service.

4.3. Prohibition of intentionally removing participants and categories:

4.3.1. The Service Recipient may not intentionally remove participants and categories who have participated or will participate in the tournament to manipulate service fees.

4.3.2. Violation of this prohibition may result in actions specified in point 5 of the Regulations regarding the procedure in case of abuses.

4.4. Prohibition of manipulating results:

4.4.1. Manipulating competition results to intentionally reduce service costs is prohibited.

4.4.2. Falsifying competition results is prohibited.

4.4.3. The Service Recipient undertakes to cooperate fairly with the Service Provider to ensure honest and fair competitions.

4.4.4. Violation of the prohibition of manipulating results may result in actions specified in point 5 of the Regulations regarding the procedure in case of abuses."

5. Procedure in case of abuses

5.1. Abuse Verification by the Service Provider:

5.1.1. The service provider has the right to verify whether abuse has occurred, such as intentional removal/modification of players and/or categories, leading to a reduction in the service price.

5.1.2. Verification may include the analysis of system logs, historical competition results, and other information available to the service provider.

5.2. Directing Questions to the Service Recipient:

5.2.1. In case of suspicion of abuse, the service provider has the right to direct questions to the service recipient to clarify the situation.

5.2.2. The service recipient commits to responding to the directed questions within 2 days of receiving them.

5.3. Final Assessment of Abuse by the Service Provider:

5.3.1. The service provider has the final say in assessing abuse and makes a decision regarding any corrective actions.

5.3.2. The service provider's decision may include increasing the number of paid players to the number before detected manipulations or adding the removed/modified players to the paid players, according to the service provider's assessment.

5.4. Procedures in Case of Detected Abuse:

5.4.1. In case of detected abuse, the service recipient may request the service provider to explain the changed settlement method.

5.4.2. The service provider commits to providing details of the settlement within 7 working days of receiving such a request.

5.4.3. The final decision regarding procedures in case of detected abuse lies with the service provider, considering a fair approach to applied sanctions.

6. Termination of Agreement

6.1. Conditions for Termination of Agreement:

6.1.1. The service recipient has the right to terminate the agreement before the commencement of service delivery, i.e., before the day of initiating the transmission of competition results.

6.1.2. Termination can be submitted electronically via email.

6.1.3. In the event of the agreement's termination before the day of service completion, the service recipient incurs no additional fees related to the planned service.

6.2. Notice Period:

6.2.1. The termination of the agreement must be submitted within a period allowing for its effective consideration before the day of service completion.

6.2.2. The service provider will confirm the receipt of the termination within 3 working days from the date of submission.

6.2.3. Upon receiving the termination, the service provider does not collect additional fees related to the planned service.

6.3. Effects of Agreement Termination:

6.3.1. After the effective termination of the agreement, the service provider will remove competitions from the application.

6.3.2. The termination of the agreement does not exempt the service recipient from liability for previous obligations arising from the agreement and the regulations.

7. Complaint Procedure

7.1. Right to file a complaint:

7.1.1. Service recipients have the right to file a complaint in the case of a final discrepancy in the number of paid players or in the event of detecting the improper functioning of the service.

7.2. Examination of complaints by the Service Provider:

7.2.1. The Service Provider undertakes to examine the complaint within 7 working days from the date of its receipt.

7.2.2. In the case of the need for additional analysis, the deadline for complaint examination may be extended, and the Service Recipient will be informed accordingly.

7.3. Decision on service price reduction or exemption from fees:

7.3.1. Based on the examination of the complaint, the Service Provider makes a decision regarding a possible reduction in the service price or complete exemption from fees.

7.3.2. This decision is final and binding for both parties to the agreement.

7.3.3. The manner and amount of any compensation are solely determined by the Service Provider, taking into account a fair and balanced approach to the situation.

7.4. Procedure for filing complaints:

7.4.1. Complaints can be submitted via email to the contact address.

8. Personal Data Protection

8.1. Processing, storage, and sharing in accordance with the Privacy Policy:

8.1.1. Personal data of Service Recipients are processed, stored, and shared in accordance with the Privacy Policy available on the website

8.1.2. The Service Provider undertakes to comply with all applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data and to implement security measures to safeguard the processed data.

8.1.3. Service Recipients have the right to access, correct, delete, or limit the processing of provided personal data in accordance with applicable legal regulations.

8.1.4. All matters related to personal data are governed by a separate Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of this Regulation.

8.2. Security of personal data:

8.2.1. The Service Provider commits to implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure personal data against unauthorized access, loss, or unauthorized disclosure.

8.2.2. In the event of a data security breach, the Service Provider undertakes to inform Service Recipients and relevant supervisory authorities in accordance with applicable legal regulations.

8.2.3. Service Recipients are obligated to exercise due diligence in the transmission of personal data and the use of services in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

9. Final Provisions

9.1. Reliability Guarantee of Service:

9.1.1. The Service Provider does not guarantee the reliable operation of the service; however, it will take all possible steps to maintain its high quality and availability.

9.1.2. In case of technical problems, the Service Provider will strive to effectively resolve them.

9.2. Dispute Resolution by the Polish Common Court:

9.2.1. Any disputes arising from this Regulation will be settled by the Polish common court with jurisdiction for the Service Provider's location.

9.2.2. This provision applies regardless of the place of residence or headquarters of the Service Recipient.

9.3. Application of General Applicable Law:

9.3.1. Matters not regulated by this Regulation are subject to the provisions of the general applicable law, in particular, the Civil Code and the Telecommunications Law.

9.4. Effective Date of the Regulation:

9.4.1. The Regulation comes into effect on January 22, 2024.

9.4.2. The Regulation may be amended at any time by posting the amended Regulation on the website.

9.4.3. Changes to the Regulation become effective upon their publication on the Service Provider's website.

This Regulation has been drafted and approved by the Service Provider, who is a party to the online service provision agreement for sports event organizers.